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Michael Chekhov Performing Arts Training

Sharing Michael Chekhov’s Legacy

The National Michael Chekhov Association (NMCA), a non-profit 501C3 organization, trains performers and creators in rigorous psycho-physical work while embracing a spirit of positivity, freedom, and joy. We serve artists worldwide with this thoughtfully crafted pedagogy, bringing the teachings of Michael Chekhov alive to anyone seeking to develop or rejuvenate their creative process. We offer intensive training programs, certifications for teachers, directors, actors and designers and build the community with annual membership subscriptions.

screenshot of inspired action chart

Learning With NMCA

“The Chekhov work is vital as it gently forces actors to connect to impulse, discovery, and expression in a more dynamic and truthful way. Having worked with both Lisa and Wil for over 10 years, I know of nobody else who teaches the technique with greater knowledge, passion, and joy. You will leave the weeklong intensive prepared, deeply satisfied, and full of light.”
– Josh Chenard, Director, Teaching Artist

Enjoy freedom, playfulness, and joy in a supportive, collaborative atmosphere with the personal attention of our master teachers!

We deliver the world’s most comprehensive experience of Michael Chekhov’s technique, which is rooted in imagination and movement. Our master teachers will guide you every step of the way. Explore the complete set of tools as outlined in the NMCA Chart of Inspired Action, which Michael Chekhov created for our co-founder Mala Powers. In your first session, you will fully experience the principles of the chart, understand how they work together, apply them to auditions, improvisations, monologue and scene performances, and learn about Michael Chekhov’s rich legacy. You’ll walk away with a new artistic family and a suitcase full of tools that you can use to enrich your work and your life!

group having a good time reading their script

Certifications With NMCA

“After spending just a week immersed in Chekhov’s Chart of Inspired Action, my syllabus seemed to organize itself. My NMCA certification was critical in securing a fulltime professorship at Oklahoma City University.”
– Jeanie Cooper, NMCA Certified Teacher

We offer certification tracks for teachers, directors, actors and designers. We have set the gold standard as the most highly refined, deeply mentored, rigorous, and thoroughly vetted program in the world; that is why our teacher certification program is the longest running of its kind. Candidates complete a capstone project exemplifying in-depth practical application. These programs can be done in as little as a year or extended to three or four years. Earning your NMCA Certification enhances your CV, and your confidence.

man dressed up and juggling

Memberships for Actors, Teachers, Directors, Designers and You

“Through the NMCA training, I have made lifelong friends and colleagues.  I feel I have a whole network of artists across the world whom I can reach out to for help, assistance, and affirmation.  I love the sense of community this organization fosters!”
-Jeanine Henry, Director of Theatre Arts and Assistant Professor of Theatre, Eastern Florida State College.

Join our association as a member subscriber and gain access to a wealth of valuable information about Michael Chekhov and his world-renowned artistic philosophy.  Get to know our master teachers, alumni and other Chekhov fans in our online gatherings. Build your network, get advice and practical tips and contribute to the NMCA family. Benefits include discounts on our virtual workshops, free access to special videos and writings available for members only!

Contact NMCA Today



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