Train With Us
Grow With Us
NEXT TRAINING INTENSIVE Get DATES and RESGISTER. – Las Cruces, NM. EarlyBird $50 discount for this workshop is May 1.
(Select Register link at top right of every page.)
“The NMCA training program was my choice for in-depth study of Michael Chekhov’s method of acting. I chose to come from Israel several times and complete the certification program and how the choice paid off!”
-Ofir Duan, Actor & Michael Chekhov Teacher/Coach.
NMCA offers a variety of training programs including certification programs for teachers, actors, directors, and designers, and coaches in NMCA’s pedagogical approach. We encourage expanded applications for human health and development practitioners, because we view life as a work of art. We share NMCA’s Michael Chekhov Technique Playbook which contains extensive charts, lecture notes and resources available to participants for a discounted price.
Train With NMCA in Our Educational Programs
Anyone may participate in our training programs through NMCA. We also offer certification programs in our highly-refined Michael Chekhov pedagogy for teachers, directors, designers, actors, and coaches. There are many certified practitioners around the world, and more receive their certifications every year. Our training programs include the following:

76-hours of lecture, improv, and practice. This option for artists NEW or CONTINUING with Chekhov is our flagship training program. It includes intense practice in Michael Chekhov’s techniques that Master Teachers, Lisa Dalton and Will Kilroy, enhance and explain. You also engage in highly-practical seminars in directing, performance, auditioning, and analysis. We currently teach these programs in early June at New Mexico State University and over the winter break at University of Florida. Visit the Registration link for current dates.

Alumni are encouraged to take our advanced Deeper-By-Devising workshop in Las Cruces at NMSU the week after our intensive workshop. Explore advanced theater concepts through ActiveDevising (tm) by diving deeper into NMCA's Chart of Inspired Action, Eurythmy, Steiner Speech, Psychological Gesture, and SynthAnalysis (tm). We devise a complete production to perform for the public applying ActiveDevising and SynthAnalysis.

In this flexible 16-20 hour workshop, artists discover Michael Chekhov's techniques through NMCA's Chart of Inspired Action, culminating in a performance to the public. This workshop lays the perfect foundation for the full 76-hour Chekhov Training Intensive. NMCA Certified Teachers are available as guest artists to customize a transformative program to meet your unique needs and facility requirements. Call or email us today for details. IF THIS COURSE WILL RUN THIS YEAR, click on the Register link in upper right of every page.
Details About Registering for These Programs
NMCA is ready to train you to master your talents in the theatrical world. We have provided details about registration below:
Michael Chekhov Training Intensive Workshop (CTI) Fees
You are invited to participate in NMCA programs with or without seeking a certification. This program’s certifications include acting, directing, designing, and teaching, and you can add additional certification programs for $300 each. Non-certification tracks are available for active students, actors, coaches, and educators. We include a $50 charge for first-time students for Michael Chekhov’s Technique Playbook, which you can reuse for future workshops. Any program can be registered with a $300 deposit. If the EarlyBird date is met, the $50 discount will be automatically applied in the registration page.
Follow the Register link in top right corner of every page to find current workshop dates, Early-Bird discount dates, and logistical details.
For details about travel and lodging in Las Cruces,
download our ( NMSU Chekhov Training Intensive Logistics ) here for info.
Regular (full) prices are as follows:
- College Students – $1225
- Actor/Educators/Coaches – $1375
- Certified Program Tracks – $1675
- Alumni Refresher – $1075
Deeper-by-Devising (DBD)
We offer this advanced course periodically following our Summer CTI at New Mexico State University, and all CTI alumni are invited. Several Certification tracks require this workshop during the 4-year program. Save when combining DBD with one preceding CTI program track.
- Deeper-by-Devising Only – $1125
- DBD combined with one CTI track – Save $150
Start Your Journey
Click on Register NOW at top right of every page.
Michael Chekhov Training Intensive Week
You can register for this program with a $300 deposit to hold your seat. It takes place in winter in DFW, TX, during New Year’s week, and in summer in Las Cruces, NM, during early June. We look forward to seeing you there and teaching you valuable theater skills and understanding life as a work of art.